Mental Health In Education

Allen T

I felt so sad and lonely that all I could see in the mirror looking back at me was ugliness and a dark, dark heart that would never learn to love or be loved

Emma B

**Student perspective**

I was made to feel as though I’d let all of my teachers, and ultimately myself, down

Brad S

Before six months ago, I didn’t understand anxiety at all, couldn’t wrap my head around what it was and how people didn’t just push through and keep going


Personal Resources

Find resources to help improve your personal mental health.

School Resources

Find resources to help improve mental health within your organization.

Contact Us

Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional. This site should not replace contact with a medical professional. Please seek appropriate medical help of necessary

This website began as a Google Innovator Project for Cat Lamin in July 2020.

Design assistance by Katie O'Neil.